Kept you waiting huh… I wanted to take a moment to talk about the “Woke Agenda”.
Oh here we go, he’s going to talk about being a nazi or a bigot or something…
Nope. I don’t consider myself a bigot. And I’m going to get the usual spiel out of the way ahead of time. When I say “Woke” I’m not saying “LGBT”, I’m not saying “Trans”, I’m not even saying “Leftists”. I’m talking about a kind of political extremism that has been eating at the internet for close to a decade now, and it’s become fever pitch.
Now, if you want to identify as any of these marginalized groups, that’s perfectly fine. You’re free to do so. Where I draw the line is when a person identifying as a marginalized group believes that they should be given special treatment because of their identified group or groups, and goes absolutely mental as a result. I take issue when a marginalized person takes such offense to something that they willingly begin doing the very things they claim to be victim to. Things like doxxing, harassment, intimidation, stalking, swatting, and much more. And all of it justified because their victim is a bigot, in their mind.
Now you’re probably already scrolling down to the diquss section below to tell me none of this is happening. Infact, I’m so sure of it that you probably won’t even notice this sentence where I say purple polkadot fire dog eating spaghetti. But I assure you it’s real. You can see it as far back as 2016 where Vice promoted a Canadian hacker who was doxxing people they considered to be bigots. Or Medium in 2015 heralding doxxing of internet racists as a “comeuppance”.
You might be thinking though, “hang on, these are confirmed racists, they’re tweeting things like Happy N…r day on Martin Luthor King day. What’s so wrong?”
It’s still doxxing. Regardless of if someone is a bigot, a racist, a murderer, a pedophile, we have a criminal justice system for a reason (at least in a third of the world, sorry places like Afghanastan, Iraq, North Korea, China, Palestine, Russia, etc). We need to trust these justice systems to take action for us. You might idolize comic book vigilantes like Batman, Captain America, Spiderman, etc… because they see a problem and they just deal with it, physically and immediately. But this is real life, and the criminal justice system accounts for the possibility that the accused party may be innocent and affords them the opportunity to defend themselves (or have an attourney represent them) in court.
And sometimes that justice system does fail. There’s countless examples of the criminal justice system incarcerating men for rape where infact no rape occurred, because a woman chose to lie to benefit themselves. There’s countless criminals that walk away scott free because of a technical miscarriage of justice, or because they had a good enough lawyer to downplay the charges for them. Hell, most of the United States Congress are guilty of various criminal acts, including driving under the influence, engaging escorts (which is a crime in America), tax evasion, and more. But we have to trust that criminal justice system, perhaps work to reform it but still trust it.
Why must we trust it? Because without it, our rule of law is meaningless, and our society devolves from survival of the masses to survival of the fittest. And let me assure you, a significant portion of the “woke agenda” would not fall under the fittest. Sure, some of you may be bodybuilders. Some of you may be able to run a marathon with little notice. But you represent a minority, and in survival of the fittest, not only does physical strength dictate survival, but also social strength. If you feel you are alone now, a “survival of the fittest” society will chew you up and spit you out.
So where was I going with this? I’m basically trying to convince people that, you can be gay, trans, bi, whatever. Just… understand that some people aren’t. And they may not be comfortable with something that confronts their existing identity, but may be trying their best to keep away from it. If you push yourself into those spaces and expect people to welcome you, don’t get offended when they tell you they don’t want you there. It’s not an attack on you, it’s not even an attack on your beliefs or what you represent
Please, take some time to separate yourself from what you believe in. And when someone harshly reacts to your beliefs, don’t take it personally.
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